Privacy Policy

Positive Alternative Radio, Inc. is committed to the privacy of its Web site visitors and donors. We respect your privacy and protect any personal or financial information you provide.

Account numbers and donor information are accessed only by our professional staff for the purposes of record keeping and donor communications. We employ strict security measures to safeguard online transactions, and personal information is stored in a secured database via encrypted channels. No one outside of PAR designated staff have access to this information.


Positive Alternative Radio, Inc. only collects personal contact information (such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses and phone numbers) when users submit it voluntarily.

For analysis purposes, our website may automatically collect information when you visit the site, such as, your IP address, date and time of your visit, pages viewed and links selected. None of the information we collect in this manner is personally identifiable information.


We respect your right to privacy and the confidence you place in us. We do not sell or exchange your mailing or e-mail addresses or other personally identifiable information that you provide.